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发布时间:2020-07-19 23:07:49  浏览次数:











职位简介: 教授,硕士生导师 



20056月:获南京师范大学 博士学位




19987- :于阜阳师范学院任讲师、副教授、教授职务 






1.      国家自然科学基金项目(项目号:31071317,主持, 8万元,)

2.      国家自然科学基金项目(项目号:81771567,主持, 55万元,)

3.      教育部科学技术重点研究项目(项目号:210104,主持, 6万元,)

4.      省高校自然科学重大、重点研究项目(项目号:KJ2017A338,主持, 8万元,)

5.      安徽省科技攻关项目(项目号:12010302066,主持, 25万元,)

6.      安徽省软科学研究计划项目(项目号:11020503042,主持, 5万元,)

7.      广东省科技计划项目(项目号:2008B03031242,主持, 5万元,)

8.      广东省自然科学基金(项目号:81515031020000027,主持, 5万元,)

9.      广东省自然科学基金(项目号:7300865,主持, 5万元,)

10.  校地合作横向科研项目(项目号:XDHX2016022,主持, 22万元,)



1.      安徽省科技进步奖三等奖,排名第一,2015.04

2.    广东省科学技术协会第二届南粤科技创新优秀论文奖三等奖,排名第一,2010.04

3.     安徽省第七届自然科学优秀论文二等奖,排名第一,2013.04 



1)        Zhu Maoying, Cheng Lifang, Ji Yuntao, Liu Wuyi and Chen De-Yu (通讯作者). Correlation analysis of miR-122-5p and occludin with sperm density in oligospermia patients sperm. Clinical Laboratory (In press.接收函见附件).

2)        Wuyi Liu and Chen De-Yu. Phylogeny, Functional Annotation, and Protein Interaction Network Analyses of the Xenopus tropicalis Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factors. BioMed Research International.Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 145037, 15 pages.http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/145037.

3)        Yuntao Ji, Chen De-Yu, Shuanglin Jiang and Changqing Qu. Effect of fasudil hydrochloride on the post-thaw viability of cryopreserved procine adipose-derived stem cells. CryoLetters,2014, 35 (5), 356-360.

4)        Chen De-Yu, Li-Min Liu, Dong-Qing XieXu lan, Tian-Hua Huang. In vitro and in vivo studies evaluating antisemen antibodies as a potential spermicidal agent in hamsters. Fertility and sterility.200992,(3):1116-1123

5)        Chen De-Yu, Li-Min Liu, Sheng-Jie Liu, Mao-Ying Zhu, Lan Xu, Tian-Hua Huang. Single-chain antibody against human lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase: construction, expression, purification, and activity assay. Biochemistry (Mosco).2008, 73(6):702-710.

6)        Chen De-yu, Zhu Mao-ying, Cui Ya-dong, Huang Tian-hua. Relationship between Contents of Lipocalin-Type Prostaglandin D Synthase on the Surface of Infertility Sperm and in Seminal Plasma. Biochemistry (Mosco), 2007, 72(2):255-259.

7)        Chen De-yu, Liu Sheng-jie, Zhu Mao-ying, Cui Ya-dongLi Wen-yong Huang Yu-feng. Different expression of lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase in rat epididymidis. Animal reproduction science200798(3-4)302-310.

8)        Chen De-yu, Wang Jun-Jun, Huang Yu-Feng, Zhou Kai-Ya. Relationship between lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase and α-glucosidase in azoospermia seminal plasma. Clinica chimica acta, 2005, 354(1-2):69-76.

9)        Chen Deyu, Zhou Kaiya, Huang Yufeng. Expression of rat L-PGDS by Picha Pastoris and distribution of L-PGDS on sperm. Chinese Journal of Biotechnology, 2004, 20(6):896-900.[Chinese]

10)    Chen Deyu, Zhou Kaiya, Lu Huiming, Huang Yufeng. Distribution and localization of lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase in rat testis and epididymidis. Acta Anatomica Sinica, 2004, 35(4):443-445. [Chinese]

11)    Chen Deyu, Huang Yufeng. Advance in research on the targent antigens of antisperm antibosies. National Journal of Andrology, 2004, 10(6):458-464. [Chinese]

12)     Chen Deyu, Huang Yufeng, Zhou Kaiya. Structure, localization and distribution of lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase. National Journal of Andrology, 2004, 10(2):134-138. [Chinese]

13)    Chen DeYu , Zhu GuoHua , Huang YuFeng , Zhou KaiYa. Lipocalin2type prostaglandin D synthase: preparation of monoclonal antibodies and localization on human sperm. Journal of Chinese Immunolgy, 2005, 21(3):201-204. [Chinese]

14)    Chen DeYu, Huang Yu-Feng. Sertoli-Sertoli Tight Junction and Male Contraceptive.  Chinese Journal of Cell Biology, 2005, 27: 295-300. [Chinese]

15)     Chen Deyu, Zhu Guohua, Huang Yufeng. Application of sandwich ELISA of L-PGDS in human seminal plasma. Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicine, 2005, 28(3):295-296. [Chinese].

16)     Chen Deyu,LIU Li-min, XIE Qing-dong, HUANG Tian-hua. Experimental Research on Anti-semen Antibody of Golden Hamster as Spermicide. Carcinogenesis,Teratogenesis & Mutagenesis.2008,20(2):139-142[Chinese]

17)    Chen Deyu, LIU Li-min, XIE Qing-dong, HUANG Tian-hua. Influence of Anti-semen Antibody on Function of Mitochondria. Journal of Shantou University Medical College.2008, 21(1):4-7. [Chinese]

18)    Chen Deyu. Role of Supervisor in Raising Quality of Graduation Thesis of College Students. Journal of Fuyang Teachers College (Natural Science).2008,25(4):76-79. [Chinese]

19)    Chen Deyu, LIU Li-min, XIE Qingdong, HUANG Tian-hua. Effect of Anti-sperm Antibody on Golden Hamster Vagina. Journal of Fuyang Teachers College(Natural Science),2007,24(4):12-14[Chinese].

20)    Chen Deyu, Liu Sheng-jie, ZHU Mao-ying. Advances in Male Contraceptive Vaccine. Journal of Fuyang Teachers College Natural Sciences, 2006, 23(4):2-5[Chinese].

21)    ZHU Mao-ying, LIU Sheng-jie; Chen Deyu. The correlation between lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase and alpha-glucosidase in seminal plasma. Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 2006,15(3):165-167. [Chinese]

22)     Chen Deyu, HUANG Yu-feng, LU Hui-min, ZHOU Kai-ya. Expression of lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase gene in rat testis and epididymis .Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology.2004,34(5):55-57[Chinese].

23)    Zhu Guohua, Chen Deyu, Xu XiaofengH,uang Yufeng. Constructing Human-mouse Chimeric Antibody Gene to L-PGDS. Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2005,28(1):98-102[Chinese].

24)    Huang Yufeng, Chen Deyu, Ge Yifeng, Jin Baofang, Yan Chunming, Rui Hongying, Lu Jinchun. Analysis of the Infection of Sexually Transmitted Diseases among High-risk Population in Nanjing. Nationlal Journal of Andrology.2004, 10(11):815-819[Chinese].

25)    Huang Yufeng, Chen Deyu, Jin Baofang, Ge Yifeng, Wan Chuandan, Zhu Zhaoping, Zhu Guohua, Hong Ping. Investigation of STD/AIDS Related KABP among the High-risk Population. Nationlal Journal of Andrology, 2004,10(12):894-897[Chinese].

26)    ZHANG Qiu-ju, HUANG Tian-hua, XIE Qing-dong, TAN Xiao-fang, LIU Ge-fei, Chen Deyu, ZHOU Xiao-ling. Protein Expression of Human Spermatozoa-mediated HBs Gene and HBc Gene in Early Embryonic Cells. Carcinogenesis,Teratogenesis & Mutagenesis.2008,20(3):185-189[Chinese].


1.    陈德宇.前列腺素D合成酶与精子RNA.2018,合肥工业大学出版社.

2.    于干,陈德宇.网络算法及函数优化研究. 2018,合肥工业大学出版社.



1.    陈德宇,狐狸X精子分离方法. 申请号 : 201510388072.2(公开(公告)号 : CN104962513AIPC分类号 :C12N5/076 

2.    陈德宇,狐狸精液稀释液. 申请号 : 201510388030.9,公开(公告)号 : CN105010306AIPC分类号 :A01N1/02


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