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Nature & Nat Cell Biol:首次在体外成功培养人胚胎长达13天
发布者:admin 发布时间:2016-04-25 09:08:51 阅读:

Nature & Nat Cell Biol:首次在体外成功培养人胚胎长达13天

2016年4月25日--来自英国剑桥大学等机构的研究人员开发出一种允许胚胎在着床期(implantation stage,也译作植入期,即胚胎正常情形下在子宫中着床的时间)后在体外发育的新技术,从而使得他们能够首次分析受精后多达13天的人胚胎发育的关键阶段。这种技术可能有助改善体外受精(IVF)的成功率。

一旦卵子被精子受精,它进行多次分裂产生一种小的自由浮动的干细胞球。大约三天后,这些干细胞在胚胎内朝向一边簇集在一起;这个阶段的胚胎被称胚泡(blastocyst, 也译作囊胚)。胚泡由三种细胞类型组成:形成外胚层的细胞,最终产生皮肤的表皮(包括表皮的延伸部分,如口腔黏膜、鼻黏膜等)及其附属结构(如汗腺、皮脂腺及唾液腺等)、神经系统(包括脑、脊髓和它们发出的脑神经等)和感觉器官(主要是指眼、耳等);将发育成胎盘而允许胚胎附着到子宫中的细胞;形成原始内胚层的细胞,这种原始内胚层将确保胎儿器官正确地发育和提供必需的营养物。



如今,在两项新的研究(美国洛克菲勒大学研究和英国剑桥大学研究)中,两个国际小组开发出一种技术而允许他们在体外培养离开母体的人胚胎再多6天,即最多培养至胚胎发育的第13天。这项 研究是建立在剑桥大学Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz教授团队之前针对小鼠开展的的得到英国惠康基金会(Wellcome Trust)资助的研究的基础上。相关研究结果分别于2016年5月4日在线发表在 Nature期刊和Nature Cell Biology期刊上,论文标题分别为“Self-organization of the in vitro attached human embryo”和“Self-organisation of the human embryo in the absence of maternal tissues”。


作为这两篇论文的作者,Zernicka-Goetz教授说,“着床是人类发育的一个里程碑,这是因为正是从这个阶段开始,胚胎真正地开始成形和整体的身体结构得以确定。也正是在这个妊娠阶段 ,很多发育缺陷产生。但是在此之前,在人胚胎中研究这一点是不可能的。这种新技术给我们提供一种独特的机会来更好地理解在这些关键阶段期间我们自身的发育,和有助我们理解流产期间 发生什么。”

作为剑桥大学研究的共同第一作者,Marta Shahbazi博士说,“胚胎发育是一种非常复杂的过程。尽管我们的体外培养系统可能不能够完全再现这种过程的每个方面,但是它允许我们揭示出 人胚泡具有一种非凡的自我组装能力,而这在之前是未知的。”



科学家们之前认为这种凹陷是通过一种被称作凋亡或者说程序性细胞死亡的过程产生的,但是利用人胚胎干细胞模型,研究人员能够证实事实上,细胞死亡并不是人胚胎中的凹陷形成所必需 的。


卡利生育组织(CARE Fertility Group)主席和创始人Simon Fishel博士补充道,“这不只是理解着床胚胎发育的生物学特征。了解这些过程可能有助改善体外受精的成功率,目前它的成功 率大约只有25%。”

Self-organization of the in vitro attached human embryo


Alessia Deglincerti, Gist F. Croft, Lauren N. Pietila, Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz, Eric D. Siggia & Ali H. Brivanlou

Implantation of the blastocyst is a developmental milestone in mammalian embryonic development. At this time, a coordinated program of lineage diversification, cell-fate specification, and morphogenetic movements establishes the generation of extra-embryonic tissues and the embryo proper, and determines the conditions for successful pregnancy and gastrulation. Despite its basic and clinical importance, this process remains mysterious in humans. Here we report the use of a novel in vitro system1, 2 to study the post-implantation development of the human embryo. We unveil the self-organizing abilities and autonomy of in vitro attached human embryos. We find human-specific molecular signatures of early cell lineage, timing, and architecture. Embryos display key landmarks of normal development, including epiblast expansion, lineage segregation, bi-laminar disc formation, amniotic and yolk sac cavitation, and trophoblast diversification. Our findings highlight the species-specificity of these developmental events and provide a new understanding of early human embryonic development beyond the blastocyst stage. In addition, our study establishes a new model system relevant to early human pregnancy loss. Finally, our work will also assist in the rational design of differentiation protocols of human embryonic stem cells to specific cell types for disease modelling and cell replacement therapy.

Self-organization of the human embryo in the absence of maternal tissues


Marta N. Shahbazi, Agnieszka Jedrusik, Sanna Vuoristo, Gaelle Recher, Anna Hupalowska, Virginia Bolton, Norah M. E. Fogarty, Alison Campbell, Liani G. Devito, Dusko Ilic, Yakoub Khalaf, Kathy K. Niakan, Simon Fishel & Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz

Remodelling of the human embryo at implantation is indispensable for successful pregnancy. Yet it has remained mysterious because of the experimental hurdles that beset the study of this developmental phase. Here, we establish an in vitro system to culture human embryos through implantation stages in the absence of maternal tissues and reveal the key events of early human morphogenesis. These include segregation of the pluripotent embryonic and extra-embryonic lineages, and morphogenetic rearrangements leading to generation of a bilaminar disc, formation of a pro-amniotic cavity within the embryonic lineage, appearance of the prospective yolk sac, and trophoblast differentiation. Using human embryos and human pluripotent stem cells, we show that the reorganization of the embryonic lineage is mediated by cellular polarization leading to cavity formation. Together, our results indicate that the critical remodelling events at this stage of human development are embryo-autonomous, highlighting the remarkable and unanticipated self-organizing properties of human embryos.

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