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Nat Commun:重大突破!人诱导性多能干细胞制造效率提高20多倍!
发布者:admin 发布时间:2016-03-26 10:50:01 阅读:

Nat Commun:重大突破!人诱导性多能干细胞制造效率提高20多倍!

2016年3月26日 --人诱导性多能干细胞(iPSCs)被认为在医学研究和疾病治疗上有巨大的希望。生物医学科学家能够利用很多体细胞(如来自皮肤活组织的成纤维细胞)制造人iPSCs,同时也不需要破坏任何人类胚胎。与人胚胎干细胞一样,人iPSCs能够分化为不同类型的人细胞。因此,它们能够分化为200多种不同类型人细胞中的任何一种。人iPSCs是一种强大的药物开发和疾病建模工具,它们也有潜力通过制造用于细胞替换疗法的病人特异性多能干细胞而引发移植医学革命。人iPSCs的这种潜力受阻于较低的制造效率:这种效率低于0.1~1%,同时还存在很多其他的重大障碍。

在一项新的研究中,来自美国阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校的Kejin Hu博士及其同事们发现一种重编程因子可将皮肤成纤维细胞重编程为人iPSCs的效率增加了20多倍,将重编程时间缩短几天,同时提高重编程质量。相关研究结果于2016年3月7日发表在Nature Communications期刊上,论文标题为“The acetyllysine reader BRD3R promotes human nuclear reprogramming and regulates mitosis”。


当Hu和同事们研究在将人成纤维细胞重编程为iPSCs期间,过量表达BRD3R诱导的基因表达时,他们也解决了一个自1962年以来持续了半个世纪的秘密:那一年,诺贝尔奖得主John Gurdon首次通过将青蛙肠道细胞的细胞核注射入去核的青蛙卵细胞中完成了对青蛙的克隆,问题是为何动物克隆仅当卵母细胞处于有丝分裂中期第二阶段时才能取得成功?Hu发现当导入到成纤维细胞中时,BRD3R基因上调表达了128种有丝分裂基因,这就有助人们在分子水平上深入认识重编程的有丝分裂优势。


为了将人成纤维细胞重编程为iPSCs,Hu和同事们利用一种慢病毒载体将BRD3R和另外三种基因OCT4、SOX2和 KLF4导入到成纤维细胞中。BRD3R不能替换这三种基因中的任何一种,这就表明它在重编程中发挥着截然不同的作用。他们是在不含异源动物成分(xeno-free)的培养基中对人成纤维细胞进行重编程,这也将是人iPSCs未来临床使用的良好生产规范要求。


在类似于BRD3R 的BET亚家族基因--- BRD2、BRD3和BRD4---中,没有一个基因表现出重编程活性。按照标准的评判策略,将BRD3R、OCT4、SOX2和 KLF4导入到人成纤维细胞中制造出的iPSCs是多能性的。尽管作为这种激酶基因文库中的一员,BRD3R到目前为止还未被证实具有激酶活性。但是在重编程早期阶段,受到BRD3R最为稳定上调表达的基因是4种激酶(包括一种主宰有丝分裂激酶和一种关键性有丝分裂激酶)编码基因、5种调节激酶活性的基因和一种磷酸酶基因。因此,Hu和同事们写道,“尽管BRD3R可能没有激酶活性,但是它似乎调节着一种重要的有丝分裂激酶网络从而加快重编程过程。”

在同时发表在Stem Cells and Development期刊上的另一篇标题为“The universal 3D3 antibody of human PODXL is pluripotent cytotoxic, and identifies a residual population after extended differentiation of pluripotent stem cells”的论文中,针对一种与人iPSCs临床应用相关的问题,Hu和同事们报道了一种大有希望的解决方法。人iPSCs具有癌细胞一样的快速生长能力,因此人iPSCs衍生细胞移植物(HiPSC-based cell transplants)中掺杂单个HiPSC细胞将让病人受者有患上肿瘤的风险。此外,未完全分化的人iPSCs也被认为是致瘤性的。随着人iPSCs衍生的细胞疗法已经进入临床试验,还没有安全方法消除接受人iPSCs衍生细胞移植的病人患上肿瘤的风险。Hu的这项研究的目标就是开发出一种安全方法消除人iPSCs衍生细胞移植物中这些具有致瘤能力的细胞。他的实验室发现利用一种业已开发出的抗体靶向攻击人iPSCs的细胞表面蛋白PODXL,能够杀死多能性细胞。




The acetyllysine reader BRD3R promotes human nuclear reprogramming and regulates mitosis


Zhicheng Shao, Ruowen Zhang, Alireza Khodadadi-Jamayran, Bo Chen, Michael R. Crowley, Muhamad A. Festok, David K. Crossman, Tim M. Townes & Kejin Hu

It is well known that both recipient cells and donor nuclei demonstrate a mitotic advantage as observed in the traditional reprogramming with somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). However, it is not known whether a specific mitotic factor plays a critical role in reprogramming. Here we identify an isoform of human bromodomain-containing 3 (BRD3), BRD3R (BRD3 with Reprogramming activity), as a reprogramming factor. BRD3R positively regulates mitosis during reprogramming, upregulates a large set of mitotic genes at early stages of reprogramming, and associates with mitotic chromatin. Interestingly, a set of the mitotic genes upregulated by BRD3R constitutes a pluripotent molecular signature. The two BRD3 isoforms display differential binding to acetylated histones. Our results suggest a molecular interpretation for the mitotic advantage in reprogramming and show that mitosis may be a driving force of reprogramming.

The universal 3D3 antibody of human PODXL is pluripotent cytotoxic, and identifies a residual population after extended differentiation of pluripotent stem cells


Lei Kang, Chunping Yao, Alireza Khodadadi-Jamayran, Weihua Xu, Ruowen Zhang, Nilam Sanjib Banerjee, Chia-Wei Chang, Louise T Chow, Dr. Tim Townes, and Dr. Kejin Hu

Podocalyxin-like protein (PODXL) is a member of CD34 family proteins. It is the protein that carries many posttranslational epitopes responsible for various pluripotent surface markers including TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81, GCTM2, GP200 and mAb84. However, PODXL has not attracted the attention of stem cell biologists. Here, we report several features of PODXL mRNA and protein in pluripotent stem cells. Similar to the modification-dependent pluripotent epitopes, PODXL transcripts and carrier protein are also features of pluripotency. PODXL is highly expressed in early human embryos from oocytes up to 4-cell stages. During reprogramming of human cells to pluripotency, in contrast to TRA-1-60 and TRA-1-81, PODXL is activated by KLF4 at a very early time of reprogramming. Although TRA-1-60 and TRA-1-81 are completely lost upon differentiation, a residual PODXL+ population exists even after extended differentiation and they were identified by the universal human PODXL epitope 3D3. Unlike TRA-1-60 and TRA-1-81 epitopes that are unique to primate PSCs, PODXL carrier protein can be used as a murine surface marker. Most importantly, antibody to 3D3 epitope causes massive necrosis and apoptosis of hPSCs. We suggest that 3D3 antibody could be employed to eliminate the tumorigenic pluripotent cells in hPSC-derived cells for cell transplantation.

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