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2010/10 - 2013/6,安徽大学,物理与材料科学学院,博士,导师:叶柳

2004/9 - 2007/6,安徽大学,物理与材料科学学院,硕士,导师:叶柳

1994/9 - 1998/6,阜阳师范学院,物理系,学士


2014/11 - 至今,阜阳师范学院,物理与电子工程学院,教授

2009/11 - 2014/11,阜阳师范学院,物理与电子工程学院,副教授

2003/12 - 2009/11,阜阳师范学院,物理与电子科学学院,讲师

1998/7 - 2003/11,阜阳师范学院,物理系,助教


吴韬博士目前主要从事量子光学和量子信息方面的基础理论研究工作。2016年获批安徽省高校优秀青年人才支持计划重点项目(gxyqZD2016190)。主持安徽省教育厅自然科学研究重点项目一项(KJ2013A205,已结题),安徽省高校优秀青年人才基金一项(2008jq1118,已结题)和阜阳师范学院自然科学重点项目一项(2008LZ01,已结题),参与多项国家自然科学基金项目(10574001,10674001,11074002,61275119)的研究工作,参与安徽省教育厅自然科学研究重点项目一项(KJ2016A547),参与多项安徽省教育厅自然科学研究一般项目(2013SQRL135ZD,KJ2012Z309)。近年来在《Phys. Rev. A》、《Annals of Physics》、《European Physical Journal D》、《Quantum Inf. Process》、《Modern Physics Letters B》、《International Journal of Modern Physics B》等国内外重要学术期刊上发表SCI、EI论文近30篇。



[1]WuTao, Shi Jiadong, Yu Lizhi, He Juan, Ye Liu. Quantum correlation of qubit-reservoir system in dissipative environments [J]. Scientific Reports,8(17) :7, 2017(SCI收录)

[2]Wu Taoand Ye Liu. The dynamics of quantum discord and entanglement of two atoms coupled to two spatially separate cavities in cavity QED[J].Eur. Phys. J. D, 66: 261, 2012(SCI收录)

[3]Wu Tao,Fang Bao-Long and Ye Liu. Implementation of quantum cloning machine via ion-trap system[J].J.Opt.Soc.Am.B, 29( 10):2749-2753,2012(SCI收录)

[4]Wu Tao, Ye Liu. Implementing Two-Qubit SWAP Gate with SQUIDQubits in a Microwave Cavity via Adiabatic PassageEvolution[J].Int. J. Theor. Phys., 51:1076–1081, 2012(SCI收录)

[5]Wu Tao, Song Xue-Ke and Ye Liu. The dynamics of geometric discord and its transfer in atom-cavity-reservoir system[J].Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 27(24):1350136, 2013(SCI收录)

[6] Song Xue-Ke,Wu Tao* and Ye Liu. Monogamy properties of quantum discord for a three-qubit entangled state[J].Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 27(7): 1350049, 2013(SCI收录)

[7]Wu Tao, Fang Bao-Long, Ye Liu. Quantum cloning machines and their implementation in physical systems[J].Chin. Phys. B, 22(11): 110311,2013(SCI收录)

[8]Wu Tao, Song Xue-Ke and Ye Liu. Relative ordering of square-norm distancecorrelations in open quantum systems[J].Chin. Phys. B, 23(10) 100302, 2014(SCI收录)

[9]Wu Tao, Ni Zhi-Xiang and Ye Liu.Quantum state transfer for two atoms with a single resonant interaction[J].Commun.Theor.Phys, 48(5):831-833,2007(SCI收录)

[10]Wu Tao, Ni Zhi-Xiang, and Ye Liu.Transferring of a two-mode entangled state between two cavities via cavity QED [J].Commun.Theor.Phys,47(3):451-453 ,2007(SCI收录)

[11]Wu Tao, Ye Liu, and Ni Zhi-Xiang.A scheme for transferring an unknown atomic entangled state via cavity quantum electrodynamics [J].Chin. Phys., 15(11):2506-2509,2006(SCI收录)

[12]TaoWu, Juan He , Liu Ye , and Zhi-Xiang Ni. Quantum state transfer via the selective pairing ofoff-resonant Raman transitions[J].J. At. Mol. Sci., 3(4):353-359 ,2012

[13]Xue-ke Song,Tao Wu, Shuai Xu, Juan He, Liu Ye. Renormalization of quantum discord andBell nonlocality in the XXZ model with Dzyaloshinskii–Moriyainteraction[J].Annals of Physics,349:220-231,2014(SCI收录)

[14] Song Xue-Ke,Wu Taoand Ye Liu. Quantum correlations and quantum phase transition in theIsing model with Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction[J].Physica A. 394: 386–393,2014(SCI收录)

[15]Shi Jia-dong,Wu Tao, Song Xue-Ke and Ye Liu.Dynamics of entanglement under decoherence in noninertial frames[J].Chin. Phys. B, 23(2): 020310,2014(SCI收录)

[16] Song Xue-Ke,Wu Taoand Ye Liu.The monogamy relation and quantum phase transition in one-dimensional anisotropic XXZ model[J].Quantum Inf Process, 12(10):3305-3317,2013(SCI收录)

[17] Song Xue-Ke,Wu Taoand Ye Liu.Negativity and quantum phase transition in the anisotropic XXZmodel[J].Eur. Phys. J. D, 67: 96, 2013(SCI收录)

[18] Shi Jia-dong,Wu Tao, Song Xue-Ke and Ye Liu. Multipartite concurrence for X states under decoherence[J].Quantum Inf Process, 13:1045–1056, 2014(SCI收录)

[19] Fang Bao-Long,Wu Taoand Ye Liu. Realization of a general quantum cloning machine viacavity-assisted interaction[J].Europhys Lett.,97: 60002, 2012(SCI收录)

[20] Fang Bao-Long,Wu Taoand Ye Liu. Realizationofaneconomicalphase-covariant telecloning inseparatecavities [J].Quantum Inf. Comput, 12(3,4):0334–0345, 2012(SCI收录)

[21] Xiong Wei,Wu Taoand Ye Liu. Realizationofnonlocalquantumgate throughassisted-cavities[J].Int. J. Quantum Inform.,10(2):1250011, 2012(SCI收录)

[22] Yu Li-zhi,Wu Tao. Probabilistic teleportation of three-qubit entangled state via five-qubit cluster state[J].Int. J. Theor. Phys, 52:1461–1465, 2013(SCI收录)

[23] Yu Li-zhi,Wu Tao. Probabilistic Teleportation of Three-Atom State via Five-Atom Cluster State[J].Commun. Theor. Phys.59: 700-702, 2013(SCI收录)

[24] Yu Li-zhi,Wu Tao. Probabilistic teleportation of two-Atom entangled state via four-atom cluster state[J].Acta Photonica Sinica, 42:623-626, 2013(SCI收录)

[25]He Juan,WuTao, Ye Liu. The dynamics of quantum discord and entanglement of three atoms coupled to three spatially separate cavities [J].Int. J. Theor. Phys, 52:3381–3392, 2013(SCI收录)


研究成果《A scheme for transferring an unknown atomic entangled state via cavity quantum electrodynamics》获安徽省第六届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖;研究成果《The dynamics of quantum discord and entanglement of two atoms coupled to two spatially separate cavities in cavity QED》和《Probabilistic teleportation of three-qubit entangled state via five-qubit cluster state》获安徽省第八届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖。全国第六届、第七届、第八届、第九届大学生与研究生物理教学技能展评暨自制教具与设计实验展评获“优秀指导教师”;第五届全国科学教育专业师范生教学技能创新展示活动获“优秀指导教师”;2015年度获阜阳师范学院“优秀实习指导教师”;2016年和2018年获阜阳师范学院“优秀共产党员”;2017年指导指导学生在第十二届全国大学生“恩智浦”杯智能汽车竞赛中获得全国总决赛一等奖;2108年获阜阳师范学院“优秀教师”。


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