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武山,男,1979出生,博士,阜阳师范大学 物理与电子工程学院教授,硕士生导师,信息功能材料结构与器件安徽普通高校重点实验室负责人。本人长期从事人工微结构光子学的实验和理论研究,主要涉及:智能反射面及其在无线通信中的应用、人工超材料电磁波性质研究、基于二维原子晶体材料和光电材料的微纳光电子器件设计和制备研究。在《Phys. Rev. Lett.》、《Adv. Optical Mater.》、《Nanophotonics》、《Appl. Phys. Lett.》、《Phys. Rev. E》、《Opt. Lett.》、《Opt. Express》、《J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys》、《J. Phys. Chem. C》、等期刊上发表SCI学术论文40余篇,被他引700余次。主持国家自然科学基金1项、省自然科学基金3项,省教育厅重点、重大项目各1项,省优秀青年人才项目1项,南京大学固体微结构国家重点实验室开放课题1项,参与其他项目多项。主要承担有《光学》、《光电子学》、《半导体物理与器件》、《材料物理》等专业基础课程和核心课程的理论教学工作。



2005 – 2010,南京大学物理学院,物理学,硕博连读,博士



2001-2004 蚌埠坦克学院教员

2010-至今 阜阳师范大学 讲师—教授


1. P. Zhang, Q. Leng, Y. S. Kan, J. Ge, andS. Wu*, "Asymmetric transmission of linearly polarized waves based on chiral metamaterials"Opt. Commun.517, 128321 (2022).

2.Q. Leng, H. H. Su, J. Q. Liu, L. Zhou, K. Qin, Q. J. Wang, J. Q. Fu,S. Wu*, and X. J. Zhang, "Enhanced second-harmonic generation in monolayer MoS2 on suspended metallic nanostructures by plasmonic resonances"Nanophotonics, 10, 1871-1877 (2021).

3.H. H. Su,S. Wu*, Y. H. Yang, Q. Leng, L. Huang, J. Q. Fu, Q. J. Wang, H. Liu, and L. Zhou, "Surface plasmon polariton–enhancedphotoluminescence of monolayer MoS2 onsuspended periodic metallic structures"Nanophotonics, 10, 975-982 (2020).

4.S. Wu*,J. X. Wang, J. Q. Liu, H. Zhu, and P. Zhang, "Optical polarization conversion based on guided-mode resonance through a silicon film perforated by L-shaped holes"Opt. Mater. Express8, 2395 (2018).

5. Lei Huang, Jianqiang Liu, Hongmei Deng,Shan Wu*, " Phonon-like plasmonic resonances in a finitely long graphene nanoribbons array"Adv. Optical Mater.6, 1701378 (2018).IF: 6.875

6. S. Wu,P. Qu, J. Liu, D. Lei, K. Zhang, S. Zhao, and Y. Y. Zhu,"Giant circular dichroism and its reversal in solid and inverse plasmonic gammadion-shaped structures"Opt. Express24, 27763-27770 (2016),IF: 3.307

7.S. Wu, Z. Deng, J. Liu, K. Zhang, L. Yu, and Y. Y. Zhu, " Multiple out-of-plane plasmonic resonances in thick metallic rod with a cavity"J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.49, 25LT01 (2016).IF: 2.721

8. L. Huang, Y. H. Fan,*S. Wu, L. Yu, "Giant asymmetric transmission and optical rotation of a three-dimensional metamaterial"Chin. Phys. Lett.32, 094101, (2015).

9.L. Zhu, Y. Fan,*S. Wu,L. Yu, K. Zhang, Y. Zhang, "Electrical control of terahertz polarization by grapheme microstructure"Opt. Commun. 346, 120 (2015).IF: 1.588

10. S. WuS. Xu, Y. Zhang, Y. N. Wu, etc. "Asymmetric transmission and optical rotation of a quasi-3D asymmetric metallic structure"Opt. Lett. 39, 6426 (2014). IF: 3.416

11. S. Wu,Z. Zhang, Y. Zhang, K. Y. Zhang, L. Zhou, X. J. Zhang, and Y. Y. Zhu, “Enhanced Rotation of the polarization of a light beam transmitted through a silver film with an array of perforated S-Shaped Holes”Phys. Rev. Lett.110, 207401 (2013).IF: 8.462

12. S. Wu,L. Zhou, Q. J. Wang, X. J. Zhang, and Y. Y. Zhu, “Hybridized effects of plasmonic quadrupolar and dipolar resonances on the perforated planar metallic film”J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.46, 065302 (2013).IF: 2.721

13. S. Wu, J. Q. Liu, L. Zhou, Q. J, Wang, Y. Zhang, G. D. Wang, Y. Y. Zhu, “Electric quadrupole excitation in surface Plasmon resonance of metallicnanohole arrays”Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 141104 (2011).IF: 3.726

14. S. Wu, P. F. Guo, W. X. Huang, S. J. Xiao, Y. Y. Zhu, “Dielectric thickness detection sensor based on metallic nanohole arrays”,J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 15205 (2011),IF: 4.5.

15. S. Wu, L. Zhou, Y. M. Wang, C. P. Huang, Q. J. Wang, G. D. Wang, Y. Y. Zhu, “Phase-like resonance in sandwich coaxial square ring arrays”,Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 253102 (2010), IF: 3.726.

16. S. Wu, L. Zhou, Y. M. Wang, G. D. Wang, Q. J. Wang, Y. Y. Zhu, “Optical properties of subwavelength coaxial elliptical metallic arrays”,Phys. Rev. E81057601 (2010),IF: 2.4.

17. S. Wu, G. D. Wang, Q. J. Wang, L. Zhou, J. W. Zhao, C. Q. Huang Y. Y. Zhu, “Novel optical transmission property of metal–dielectric multilayered structure”,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.42, 225406 (2009),IF: 2.083.

18. S. Wu, Q. J. Wang, X. G. Yin, J. Q. Li, D. Zhu, S. Q. Liu, Y. Y. Zhu,Enhanced optical transmission: role of the localized surface plasmon”,Appl. Phys. Lett.93, 101113 (2008),IF: 3.726.

19.P. F. Guo,S. Wu, Q. Q. Ren, J. Lu, Z. H. Chen, Y. Y. Zhu, S. J. Xiao, “Fluorescence enhancement by surface plasmon polaritons on mettalic nanoholes array”,J. Phys. Chem. Lett.1, 315 (2010).IF: 9.353


1. 2021年度安徽高校自然科学研究项目重大项目《超表面-二维材料杂化结构的光电性质调控研究》,编号:KJ2021ZD0070,经费:20万,2022-2024.

2. 2021年度阜阳市-阜阳师范大学市校合作科技专项项目《彩色光刻胶用关键原材料量产技术开发》,编号:SXHZ202101,经费:300万,2022-2024

3.安徽省自然科学基金面上项目《微纳光子学偏振调控器件的设计、制备和应用研究》,编号:2008085MA28, 2020.1-2021.12.

4. 2017年度安徽高校自然科学研究重点项目《人工微结构与二维原子晶体杂化材料的设计、制备和光电应用研究》,编号:KJ2017A342,2017.1-2018.12. the Research Foundation of Education Department of Anhui Provincial (Grant No. KJ2017A342)

5.安徽省自然科学基金面上项目《基于人工微纳结构的光学调控研究》,编号:1608085MA10,2016.8-2018.8。Anhui Provincial Natural Science Foundation (Grant Nos. 1608085MA10)

6.高校优秀青年人才支持计划重点项目,项目编号: gxyqZD2016189, 2016-2017. Talent Foundation of Anhui Provincial Higher Education (No. gxyqZD2016189)







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